BEDA #13 – Finally here!

(this post is from the 13th, but as I said before, I wrote it by hand before and now it’s HERE. So.. Enjoy)

Hi people, it’s Monday. I am writing to you from a car driving along lonely country road. We just left me cousins, and so far everything I can see is trees, trees, some bushes and then some more trees. Oh look, a bunny.

Animals is something you always see when driving these roads. It’s usually just bunnies, but you often see deers and foxes. Of course you can’t get down there without your share of cows and horses living by the side of the road.

The last time we drove here, it was pitch-dark. You could barely see the road in front of you, and together with the winter-fog we were creeping along the small road. The lights were on full and of course one can’t help but to look out the window for mysterious creatures. Småland is after all magical to me, with all it’s stories of trolls and other creatures living in the woods. You expect something, anything really, because it is needed. When magic is in the air, you won’t get surprised if anything shows up.

Unfortunately for me, we didn’t see anything but a moose. But the yellow eyes glowing between the trees were still something.

I love road-trips. This might not be classified as a road-trip, but still. It’s a trip on a road. I love just sitting in a car for hours and seeing everything outside of the glass windows. Sure, it might be fields and cows for the biggest part of the trip, but I still find it wonderful.
Like now, it’s around ten in the morning. To me, this might seem too early because as usual my cousin and I sat up and played with our computers.

Even though I am sitting in a daze of sleeeepy writing this (and juggling a sleeping dog in my lap) people are out on their fields plowing. They take care of their land.
Sometimes when I was a kid I used to make up stories about the people I saw outside the windows. I always make up stores about everything, but those were special. It was as if the people I saw along those roads were my own, as if they didn’t exist outside of my mind.

Now I better start talking to my mom, she is asking something. I’ll let you know what the first school day was like tomorrow. If I can go. I’m starting to feel a little light-headed, and itchy, something I always feel before the cold taes me under.

Love you guys.
Happy BEDA.

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